Indian head massage
Indian Head Massage originated from India, as the name suggests. It focuses on acupressure points to relieve stress and tension specifically focused on the head, face, neck, shoulders and arms.
It creates a truly relaxing experience, inducing a state of peace and serenity.
It is generally a lighter massage using a variety of movements. It is usually performed with you laid on a couch but can also be done whilst seated too.

Reason’s why you’ll love this
* It improves circulation and stimulates the flow of lymph
* It can help to clear sinuses and stimulate the flow of oxygen in your upper body
* It can also help to relieve stress and aid in sleeping better
Treatment options
Indian Head Massage 30 mins £33 45 mins £42
Choose which ever time suits you best. The 30 minute massage is the perfect introduction to Indian Head Massage, the longer 45 minute massage provides a deeper relaxation experience.
Upgrade to include a foot soak and ritual for only £8 extra.